Exhibition update

Exhibition Update


This is an intermediate update before releasing the full league mode. I have made plenty of fixes and improvements along the way so I thought I would get those out in a smaller update. This update features team selection for exhibition mode, improved visuals, gameplay fixes and improvements, and more.


Choose from any of the 32 teams from the upcoming league update to go head-to-head in exhibition mode. Pay attention to the team overall because player attributes will now impact success in a match. Stat tracking is here as well. Players who rack up the most knockouts and catches might be named match MVP.

Improved Visuals

Each new team has a unique look and logo. Players are now identified with name and number on their jersey. Lighting and postprocessing updates should improve the look of the arena. An option has been added to choose between three graphical presets.


In addition to player attributes and stat tracking, lots of smaller fixes and additions should improve gameplay. Improved mouse look and aim should vastly improve the feel of the game when using keyboard and mouse. In addition to the left or right dodge ability, players can now double-tap any direction to dodge. The updated options menu includes a key binding section and volume controls.


Dodgeball Championship League Play in browser
Oct 22, 2022

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